ADHD 주의력결핍 과잉행동증후군
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents. Recent estimates suggest that ADHD affects about 3-7% of young people worldwide, producing considerable impact on health services and the community.

ADHD Symptoms
Extremely active
Difficult to pay attention to details
Can't stay focus for a long period
Difficult to follow instructions
Easily distracted
Problems organising tasks
Fidgets with or taps hands or feet
Parenting Guide For ADHD Children
Parents should maintain a positive attitude and patient toward their children, and accpet the fact that your children is imperfect. Because child can senses his/her parents' disapproval and grievance, which will increase the difficulty of develop child's self-esteem and can-do attitude.
Instead parents should think about the gifts which the children possess, such as creativity, athleticism, compassion and etc.

Parents should give the children clear and simple instructions if you want he/she to get something done. Because the child will behave better if they understand what their parents wnat them to do. In addition, parents will need to remain eye contact and repeat the instructions once or twice to ensure the child has understood.

Secondly, parents should try to spend more time with their children to talk or do some outdoor activities together. This will help parents create a positive relationship with their child, which will provide correct moral compass and build up right value as their growth up.
Whenever your children start showing ADHD symptoms in public, is never good to conduct negative reinforcements (physical punishment, nagging and etc) to calm the children down. Because the child cannot control his/her behaviour and such punishments will only aggravate their actions and lower their self-esteem, which could lead to poor social skills and tendency to violence.